mardi 11 mai 2010


Over the month of April, I wanted to discover what was around Kristiansand. After a visit to Mandal with both Robin and Sarah from Sciences Po (, I decided to go with Agnès (a French student from Orléans) and her Husband Martin to visit a typical Norwegian place from the far south of Norway.

With the advices of our travelling guide, we decided to take a bus from Kristiansand to Flekkfjord and then an other one to join the Island of Hidra.

When we arrived, we discovered that

We've choosen to visit at first the right part of the island. We discovered that.

And then we saw a Fishery. It packed up fish from aquacultural running and espacially Turbot. A special fish which you can easily find inside waters of Norwegian fjords.

At one moment we arrived there

So we took the direction of the left side of the island. Less "economicaly developped" but as much charming.

A charming house, open only twice a year, i.e. for Easter and Pentecost when artists from this island sale their objects.

We arrived afterwards in an area where there were any house and only a tiny harbour. This was simply the more beautiful part of the island.

There is also in this island, a primary school and thousand people that live there in all seasons even when in winter. It's a perfect illustration of the Norwegian specifity.

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